“I’m gonna go in the back seat right now. You feel me? I’m waiting for my car to charge,” Sharma told KTVU in a digital video interview. “I don’t drive and I don’t fill up gas. I am a gold-collar,” he said.
We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, ortap here to see other videos from our team.Earlier this week, police arrested Sharma, charging him with two counts of reckless driving and giving him a free one-night stay in the Santa Rita Jail. He claims to have been picked up the next day by a Tesla-owning friend, who joined him in the back seat for the illegal ride home.
The human selfie stick also posted this video to Instagram, wherein he reads an online article about his arrest while doing the very thing he was arrested for. Why do I get the impression that this guy freestyle raps?
When asked about the fatal accidents that have occurred with Tesla’s autopilot feature activated, Sharma told the Fox reporter he would simply use his God-given height to reach over the seat and grab the steering wheel.
“I’ve been brake-checked before really hard and the car stopped. It came to a complete stop. Elon Musk really knows what he’s doing and I think people are just tripping and they’re scared.”